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Jesus: His Miracles - Audio CD

Grace Jordan was the creator and executive producer of the original dramatic series, You Are There (Perfect Sound Production). Her love for God and her children, along with her knowledge of Scripture, propelled her forward to create an unforgettable and life-changing family experience. Now, decades later, Lamplighter Theatre brings this classic audio drama back to life for families around the world. Once you hear them you will understand why these dramas are titled You Are There! 
Jesus: His Miracles will transport you back in time to hear Luke, the physician, give his account of the life and miracles of Jesus. Hear Jesus call Peter to walk on water, watch Jesus feed a crowd of 5000, heal a blind man, raise a girl from the dead, and demonstrate His power over physical and spiritual impossibilities.

Product CodeAB441
Length1 hour, 33 minutes
PublisherLamplighter Publishing
FormatAudio CD
  • Available as :

Order: AB441

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