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Creation - Audio CD

A carefully researched epic journey into the Scriptures, You Are There is true to the Word of God, with imagination filling in only where the Scripture is silent.

Professionally dramatized with the skillful use of sound effects to "recreate" each scene, You Are There will transport you back in time to the beginning - before time began. Creation will stagger your imagination, as you hear the universe taking form, man being created in the image of God, and earth becoming reality.

Experience the Garden of Eden when man walked and talked with God; hear the serpent tempt Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit; agonize with Adam and Eve as they discover life outside of the Garden; and witness the dispute between Cain and Able.

Listen to You Are There-Creation and you will experience the awe and emotion of "being there."

Product CodeAB439
Length44 minutes
PublisherLamplighter Publishing
FormatAudio CD
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Order: AB439

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