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Horizons Gr. 2 Spelling and Vocabulary Set

Good spelling is never out of fashion. Teach your child how to be an excellent speller with the Horizons 2nd Grade Spelling & Vocabulary Set from Alpha Omega Publications. Whether sending a thank-you note to Grandma or completing a homeschool writing assignment, your child will look his best as he writes sentences with a solid understanding of phonics spelling rules and their application. Eye-catching lessons and hands-on learning activities in the student workbook are sure to have your child spelling and writing like an expert as he practices frequently-used words, sight words, and other word lists using crossword puzzles, word searches, and creative writing projects. Plus the easy-to-use spelling dictionary will familiarize your second grader with alphabetizing and the meaning of spelling words as he sees them used within the context of a sentence.

But there's more! The Horizons 2nd Grade Spelling and Vocabulary Set also includes a helpful, step-by-step teacher's guide. Specific goals, practical teaching tips, and suggested learning activities are clearly outlined in daily lessons plans. And you'll love the time-saving answer keys and reproducible teaching aids that include practice review worksheets and phonics rules flashcards. Make spelling a priority in your homeschooling day. Order the Horizons 2nd Grade Spelling & Vocabulary Set from Alpha Omega Publications today!

Product CodeSR203
PublisherAlpha Omega
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Order: SR203