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First Start Reading Book E

In First Start Reading Book E, we complete the program by covering long vowel teams, soft c and g, and the three sounds of y. Once the student has mastered the basic phonics in the FSR series, he is ready to continue his reading progress with real literature.

A companion storybook is available to purchase which has the same targeted stories with black and white pictures the student can colour.

First Start Reading is a complete phonics course that focuses on 3 important skills:

  • Pencil grip & correct letter formation
  • Mastering one sound
  • Mastering short and long vowel sounds, 3-letter words, consonant blends, long vowel teams, soft c and g, three sounds of y, and 67 common words.

Once the student has mastered the basic phonics in the FSR series, he or she is ready to continue reading progress with real literature.

AuthorMichelle Tefertiller
Product CodePR385
Length80 pages
PublisherMemoria Press
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
  • Available as :

Order: PR385

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