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Language Mechanic, Gr. 4-7

Is there any logic to the rules for grammar? Yes! The lessons and activities in this book use fun examples to teach English grammar and punctuation. It not only teaches the rules of language mechanics; it reinforces the rules by explaining the logic behind them.

This book shows examples and gives practice in applying the rules. Finally, students will understand the "why" behind the rules of the English language!

Lessons begin with a "grabber"–a humorous miscommunication that results when a rule is broken. These examples are followed by an explanation of the specific rule, the logic behind it, and guided and independent practice. This book includes presentation and reinforcement suggestions, answers, a glossary, and a compare/contrast organizer.

    • Capitalization
    • Run-Ons
    • Fragments
    • Pronouns
    • Modifiers
    • Verbs
    • Agreement
    • Unnecessary Words
    • Punctuation
    • Friendly Letter
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary

Product CodeGM205
Length184 pages
PublisherCritical Thinking Press
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Order: GM205

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