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Tiger Trail - #4 The Wild Brothers

In Tiger Trail, the Wild brothers track the legendary Tasmanian tiger (called “Mbakngge” by island natives). This striped, howling creature is supposed to be extinct, yet sightings have been reported for years. Tribal people tell stories that sound accurate. Now this adventurous missionary family is determined to uncover the truth as they deepen their relationships with the people of their mountain.

Hike along as Morgan, Hudson, Kian, and Asher gather clues through paw print tracking and a remote trail camera to close in on this scientific rediscovery. Led by their father and guided by tribals, the Wild brothers witness the beauty and danger of God’s creation in the jungle, including misty mountains, river rapids, and massive waterfalls! So get your family together, and have your discussion guide ready, to fully enjoy an adventure you will never forget!

Discussion & activity guide included FREE!

Click here to view the movie trailer!

AuthorThe Wilds
Product CodeSC698
AgesAll Ages
Length30 minutes
PublisherAnswers in Genesis
  • Available as :

Order: SC698

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