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A Single Shard

This account of a creative spirit on its journey toward fulfillment is set in twelfth-century Korea, where the course of human destiny could be determined by a single celadon shard.

Ch'ulp'o is a potter's village famous for delicate celadon ware, and Min is the most brilliant of all the potters in Ch'ulp'o. He is also known to be short-tempered. Tree-ear is a young orphan who is drawn irresistibly to Min's workplace. All Tree-ear wants to do is watch master potter Min at work. He is fascinated by the miracle of the potter's craft and dreams of making a pot of his own someday. His quest leads him down unexpected paths, with hazards and rewards beyond imagining.

If you would like to study this book further, you can use the A Single Shard Study Guide published by Classroom Complete.

AuthorLinda Sue Park
Product CodeLB1650
Length152 pages
PublisherHoughton Mifflin Harcourt
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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