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Daily 6 Trait Writing Gr 3

Give your third-graders the fun and focused writing practice they need to become strong and successful writers. The 125 engaging, 10- to 15-minute lessons support any writing program.

25 weeks of instruction cover the following trait-based writing skills. The sixth trait, Conventions (following the rules of writing), is taught through all lessons.

Trait #1 - Ideas

  • Week 1: Choosing a Strong Idea
  • Week 2: Writing a Topic Sentence
  • Week 3: Using the 5 Ws to Add Details
  • Week 4: Choosing Strong Details
  • Week 5: Sticking to Your Topic

Trait #2 - Organization

  • Week 1: Beginning, Middle, and End
  • Week 2: Putting Things in the Right Order
  • Week 3: Grouping Together Ideas and Details
  • Week 4: Grouping by How Things Are Alike or Different
  • Week 5: Choosing Which Way to Organize Your Writing

Trait #3 - Word Choice

  • Week 1: Choosing Strong Verbs and Adverbs
  • Week 2: Choosing Colorful Adjectives
  • Week 3: Telling Exactly Who or What
  • Week 4: Using Similes and Metaphors
  • Week 5: Getting the Reader's Attention

Trait #4 - Sentence Fluency

  • Week 1: Varying Your Sentences
  • Week 2: Combining Sentences
  • Week 3: Revising Run-on and Rambling Sentences
  • Week 4: More Ways to Combine Sentences
  • Week 5: Writing a Smooth Paragraph

Trait #5 - Voice

  • Week 1: Examining Different Writing Styles
  • Week 2: Using Formal and Informal Language
  • Week 3: Creating a Mood
  • Week 4: Writing from Different Points of View
  • Week 5: Developing Your Own Voice

Product CodeWR238
Length160 pages
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
  • Available as :

Order: WR238