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Rightstart Math Level F Book Bundle 2nd Ed - Cdn

The new RS2 Level F Book Bundle comes with the Lessons, Worksheets and Appendix pages. It works with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions and mixed fractions, with both like and unlike denominators. It also works with square and cubic numbers, along with exponents, percentages and decimals. Short and long division are covered including working with remainders. Area and volume of geometric figures are addressed, along with converting units of measurement. Probability and coordinate systems are also introduced.

You will also need the RS2 Math Set.

If teaching more than one child, you will need the following additional items: Level F Worksheets (one per child), AL Abacus, Drawing Set, and Casio Calculator SL-450S.

Review lessons are included for a child beginning with the RightStart™ program.

Product CodeMR841
PublisherRightStart Math
  • Available as :

Order: MR841