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Writing Strands Intermediate 1

A Comprehensive Approach

Writing Strands Intermediate 1 takes a comprehensive approach to language arts, teaching students how to construct effective paragraphs, add structure to stories, and explore narrative voice while also developing the student's reading, writing, and speaking skills. Students will learn how to read and evaluate literature, practice spelling, analyze worldview, and write a story!

Students will rotate writing and reading assignments each week—thus also learning to write through literature because good readers make good writers! Additionally, the Bible is now used as the literature base for teaching how narrative voice can be used to form captivating pieces of literature.

This book includes a suggested daily schedule, teaching instructions, and student worksheets.  The pages are 3-hole punched and perforated.

Through interactive, guided exercises students will:

  • Learn how to connect and organize thoughts, ideas, sentences, and paragraphs
  • How to summarize a story
  • Explore narrative voice and the way in which it speaks to the reader
  • Create visual written descriptions
  • Use past tense, present tense, and future tense correctly
  • Recognize character positions and realize how position controls what characters know

Course Features:

  • 30-45 minutes per lesson, 5x per week
  • Recommended Grade Level: 6-9
  • Equivalent to Writing Strands Level 4

Product CodeWR259
Length200 pages
PublisherNew Leaf Press
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
  • Available as :

Order: WR259

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