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Imagination Station #16 - Doomsday in Pompeii

When they step into the Imagination Station, kids experience an unforgettable journey filled with action-packed adventure to inspire their imaginations. With each book, they’re whisked away with cousins Patrick and Beth to embark on a new journey around the world and back in time.

It’s the hottest adventure yet! When Patrick takes a trip alone in the Imagination Station for science project research, things get a little explosive. First, his cousin Beth gets angry that she was left behind. Second, Eugene Meltsner sees red when he realizes that Patrick went to Pompeii in 79 A.D. a day before Mount Vesuvius erupts! It doesn’t help that the Imagination Station is on the blink and Whit has gone missing.

As Beth and Eugene frantically try to find a way fix the machine, Patrick learns a few things about volcanoes: it’s not the lava that comes first, it’s poisonous gas.

Will Eugene be able to reprogram the Imagination Station and send Beth to help Patrick? And what will happen to Patrick’s new friends—a preacher, a looter, and a stray dog? Find out in the next adventure, Doomsday in Pompeii!

AuthorPaul McCusker and Marianne Hering
Product CodeLB1755
Length144 pages
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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