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What Was the Hindenburg?

The “What Was” series of books are easy-to-read books that provide factual and engaging information about key events from history.

At 800-feet long, the Hindenburg was the largest airship ever built--just slightly smaller than the Titanic! Also of a disastrous end, the zeppelin burst into flame as spectators watched it attempt to land in Lakehurst, New Jersey on May 6, 1937. In under a minute, the Hindenburg was gone, people jumping from windows to escape. However, only 62 of the 97 crew members and passengers onboard survived. The exact cause of the disaster is still unknown and remains a fascinating historical mystery perfect for this series.

AuthorJanet B. Pascal
Product CodeLB1737
Length106 pages
PublisherPenguin Books
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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