Spelling Workout D – The Learning House
The Learning House

Spelling Workout D



Spelling Workout D (Grade 4) takes a dynamic and hands-on approach to Spelling, giving your child plenty of puzzles and riddles to tackle. Each of these activities are designed to improve your child’s understanding of how the English language is constructed, so he or she will become a skilled speller. This process begins with Grade 1 and moves through Grade 8. The Grade 4 content solidifies basic spelling knowledge, helping your child recognize symbols and their meaning.

Each lesson begins with a short article to capture children’s attention. The lesson’s spelling words are then presented along with a related spelling tip. Additional activities follow where your child will complete exercises, riddles, and puzzles to review the lessons skills. The lesson ends with a wrap-up and some review exercises to assess your child’s comprehension of the material covered. Every few lessons your child is also presented with a cumulative review.

Spelling Workout was designed to function independently or alongside Plaid Phonics. This second curriculum for homeschooling focuses on the phonics side of Spelling education, making it the perfect companion for Spelling Workout. Of course, even without it, your child will gain a solid understanding of Spelling.

You’ll love Spelling Workout D‘s adaptable format and your child will enjoy learning using hands-on activities. With cross-curricular reading selections and interesting writing assignments, your child will easily integrate Spelling into his or her knowledge base.

To purchase the Level D Teacher’s Edition, which includes lesson plans, answer keys, tests and more, click here.

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192 pages
Softcover, Black and White
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