Spelling Power 5th Edition
Spelling Power is a multisensory, multilevel, individualized spelling program designed to help your student master spelling skills in just 15 minutes per day, with little or no lesson planning. Your student will typically use this 15 minute spelling session to complete three basic activities: pretesting from organized word lists, studying only those words he needs to learn, and participating in skill building activities.
When you add Spelling Power to your home school, your students, aged eight to adult, will:
- Review key phonetics principles,
- Learn consistently applicable spelling rules,
- Practice comprehensive dictionary skills,
- Establish essential proofreading habits, and
- Master the 5,000 most-frequently-used and misspelled words.
Additional words that your students needs to master are taken from your student’s own writing errors and added to your Spelling Power program using the provided resources. Your students continue to study each of these words until they have spelled them correctly at least once. Then Spelling Power’s spiral curriculum approach of repeated, spaced review assures your students will master every word they study.
Multi-sensory study steps, inductive learning activities, interesting skill-building activities and games, and the incorporation of spelling into the rest of your curriculum are integral aspects of Adams-Gordon’s Spelling Power program. Everything you need to teach each of your student’s spelling skills to the college level is contained in this one easy-to-use, step-by-step curriculum package. You’ll even find everything you need to know to teach them proofreading and dictionary skills.
Spelling Power comes with online-based electronic resources that provide a wealth of printable skill-building activities, teaching aids, printable test forms and more. You’ll love how the Searchable Word List allows you to add words misspelled in daily writing to your student’s study words.
Note: Canadian spellings are included.