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K-3 Art of the Impressionists Book 6

This book tells the stories of how the founding artists of Impressionism, working in the quickly changing culture of the Industrial age, made art that stands alone in its colorful expression of nature and form. As young learners create and respond to art of the Impressionists, they will feel empowered to make choices about their art and express ideas in original ways. Each text lesson provides colorful illustrations, artworks by the great Masters, and visual instruction for projects. Video lessons engage learners as they absorb new information on art materials and established techniques. Children work with gouache paint, modeling clay, plaster sculpture, and oil pastels. 

Purchase this in the 8 Volume Bundle.

AuthorBrenda Ellis
Product CodeAR201
Length64 pages
PublisherARTistic Pursuits
FormatHardcover, Blu-Ray/DVD
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