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Exploring Creation with General Science 3Ed Bundle

Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd edition, has been rewritten to truly walk each student through middle school’s transition time from the elementary years to the high school sciences.  It is designed to be done 4 days a week.

This curriculum introduces and explores general science concepts of the scientific method and earth science, including astronomy, geology, paleontology, meterology, oceanography, as well as general biology, chemistry, and physics.  It covers environmental science and even includes a final module on science and creation.

The softcover textbook is written in a conversational format as the author talks directly to students, walking them through how to complete experiments, how to identify the important parts ot the information presented, and where and how to take notes as they progress.

The student notebook pairs perfectly with this process, providing easy-to-understand graphics where students fill in the black spaces as they read.  Thus they are learning how to take notes of the key points. Daily lesson plans are also included.

This set contains:

  • Text Book
  • Solutions Manual with one Test Packet
  • Student Notebook (which is required for this course)

Would you like a science kit to help you do the labs and experiments in this program? Here are links to two kits that can help you do just that:

AuthorSherri Seligson
Product CodeSC772
  • Available as :

Order: SC772