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General Science 101 DVDs

This 4 DVD set contains an easy to use, understandable and visually rich, faith-based overview of God’s scientific world. Wes Olson takes us on an engaging tour through God’s scientific world of Natural Science, Earth Science, Life Science, Social Science, Formal Science, and Applied Science. Each of the sciences are presented as separate rooms in a mansion, creating an easy way for students to follow along and understand the world of science and the part it plays in their everyday lives. The intended audience is 15 and up. However, every word, graphic and picture in General Science 101 has been carefully selected and is appropriate for the entire family.

There are 14 individual film segments that run from 22-44 minutes and are full of accurate and fascinating information coupled with hundreds of eye-catching visuals and graphics.

An interesting and fact-filled 75-page Guidebook with quizzes covering each segment is included as a printable (digital PDF) on Disc D.This allows the student to easily review all the information covered in the films. Each guidebook segment includes a multiple-choice quiz and discussion questions. A one-year high school course booklet is also included (digital PDF) for families who want a year-long science course.  

This program also contains more than 45 hours of lab work. Materials list is included in the digital PDF.

Please note: This DVD series is not just for homeschoolers. If your children are in public or private school, the 101 series will be essential viewing. These DVDs will provide a clear Christian context in which they can place all the information they are provided in their classes. They'll get the big picture that will help them correctly interpret what they are taught in school, and they'll learn that education can be exciting, challenging and fun. Teachers, too, will find these DVDs invaluable.

AuthorWes Olson
Product CodeSC985
PublisherThe 101 Series
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Order: SC985