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Exploring Creation with Mathematics Level 4 Set

As a hands-on, interactive elementary math curriculum, Exploring Creation with Mathematics, Level 4 was designed to dive deep into the beauty of mathematics in all aspects of life, including the symmetry and patterns that surround us every day.

In level 4, students learn place value, addition, subtraction, estimation, multiplication, division, geometry, measurement, fractions, and decimals. Activities, projects, and games help students see the beauty, order, and truth of creation.

The suggested Daily Schedule included with each course is based on four days a week for 28 weeks. The publisher encourages you to adjust it to the needs of your child and your family’s schedule. On average, each lesson takes 30 to 45 minutes. On a typical day, your student will spend about 5 to 10 minutes reviewing concepts previously learned, participate in a fun hands-on activity that introduces a new concept, and then apply the new concept by working through practice worksheets. Remember the lesson time may vary if your child is taking a hands-on project a little further or is needing a little extra time to complete a skills practice.

This program uses some common household items, such as dry beans for counting. You may need to purchase a few math manipulatives such as a base ten block set to fully use this course. See "Supply List" for complete list.

Set Includes: 

  • All-in-One Student Text and Workbook (spiral-bound) - consumable, each child will need their own copy
  • Teaching Guide & Answer Key - contains the solutions to all questions, suggested daily schedule, teacher’s notes, suggestions for the lessons, and reusable pages you need to complete the course.


AuthorKathryn Gomes
Product CodeMR1401
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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Order: MR1401