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Exploring Creation With Mathematics Level 4 Student Text

This product is for the consumable spiral-bound All-in-One Student Text and Workbook. Purchase this for a second student. It does NOT include the Teaching Guide & Answer Key.  The two items are available for purchase as a set

In level 4, students learn place value, addition, subtraction, estimation, multiplication, division, geometry, measurement, fractions, and decimals. Hands-on activities, games, and projects using the provided activity sheets and everyday household products give your child tangible connections to the abstract concepts learned.

Key Components:

  • Fun and Engaging, Simple to use
  • Main Skills are introduced in each lesson and strategically practiced 5-10 minutes/day
  • Units open with a section on “Seeing Our Creator”. Math is part of creation, and it mirrors aspects of God's character; His beauty, faithfulness, and love can all be seen when studying math.
  • At the end of each unit, students apply what they learned to the fields of art, science, or business through a cumulative project.

AuthorKathryn Gomes
Product CodeMR1399
Length272 pages
FormatSpiral-bound, Full Colour
  • Available as :

Order: MR1399