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First Grade Math with Confidence Set

Make math come alive! Your student will develop both strong number sense and a positive attitude towards math with fun activities like Addition Bingo, Pretend Store, and Measurement Scavenger Hunt. No expensive manipulatives needed, just common household and classroom items like play money, pattern blocks, objects to count, a ruler, and so on. All student practice pages (and answers) are found in the Student Workbook.

With this scripted, open-and-go program, parents can help their children master all the concepts typically covered in first grade:

  • counting, comparing, and writing numbers to 100;
  • addition and subtraction facts to 20;
  • addition and subtraction word problems;
  • beginning place value and mental math;
  • and shapes, money, time, and measurement.

This set includes both required parts:

  • student workbook
  • instructor text

If teaching more than one student, you will need to purchase extra student workbooks.

Most children are ready to start First Grade Math with Confidence when they are 6 years old. Your child is ready to begin this program if she can: 

  • Count to at least 10 (preferably higher). 
  • Write the numbers from 1 to 10. (It’s fine if they’re crooked or she sometimes reverses them.) 
  • Identify basic shapes, such as circle, triangle, and square. 
  • Solve simple addition or subtraction word problems by acting them out with concrete objects. 


AuthorKate Snow
Product CodeMR1426
PublisherWell-Trained Mind
  • Available as :

Order: MR1426