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Kindergarten Math with Confidence Set

With this scripted, open-and-go program, parents have the tools they need to teach math with confidence. Carefully-sequenced, confidence-building lessons will help children develop a strong understanding of math, step by step. Daily review will ensure they fully master what they have learned. With this blend of conceptual understanding and traditional skill practice, your child will be well-prepared for first grade as they master all the concepts typically covered in kindergarten:

  • counting to 100;
  • writing numbers;
  • beginning addition and subtraction;
  • shapes and patterns;
  • and coins, time, and measurement.

Includes weekly suggestions for delightful math picture books and ideas for integrating what the child is learning into her daily activities. No expensive manipulatives needed; you’ll need just basic household items (like coins, objects to count, and a clock) to make math come alive for your child.

This set includes both required components:

  • student workbook
  • instructor's guide

Extra student workbooks may be purchased if you are teaching more than one students.

Most children will be ready to start Kindergarten Math with Confidence when they are 5 or 6 years old. Your child does not need to have used a formal preschool math program before starting, although it’s helpful if she has already learned to count to 10 and hold a pencil. 

AuthorKate Snow
Product CodeMR1423
PublisherWell-Trained Mind
  • Available as :

Order: MR1423

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