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Exploring World History Complete Bundle

Exploring World History by Ray Notgrass is a one-year homeschool curriculum for high school that presents ancient, medieval, and modern history from the perspective of faith in God and respect for His Word.  It offers a thorough survey of Western civilization with significant coverage of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. The hardcover books feature hundreds of full-color photographs and illustrations.

If your student chooses to do all the assignments, this course will provide one full-year credit in:

  • world history - involves reading the lessons and the original documents (and answering the questions in the optional Student Review if desired),
  • English (literature and composition) - involves completing writing assignments and reading the assigned literature, and
  • Bible - involves reading large portions of the Bible and completing the Bible study lesson for each unit.

This bundle includes everything you need for one student:

Product CodeHR653
PublisherNotgrass Company
  • Available as :

Order: HR653