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Art Core 6: Painting with Watercolors

Students can take their interest in color theory to the next level, with an in-depth look at working in watercolors. This Advanced Level course of 36 lessons, worth 1/2 credit, equips your child in practicing the color principles necessary to grow as an artist.

Nine video lessons aid students in working independently as they learn new techniques and practical tips for working with watercolor pan paints; while exploring wet-on-dry, wet-in-wet techniques, lifting, tonal values, brushstrokes, washes, special effects, and more.

Twenty-seven text lessons broaden the scope of learning in the following ways:

  • Students LEARN color mixing and how unique color combinations are used with watercolors.
  • Students SEE the color concepts put to practice in Master artworks through Europe while learning about the artist and major events within the artist's lifetime.
  • Students increase their observation skills and INCORPORATE new techniques and processes to produce personal works of art while exploring the subjects of animals, still life, landscape, and figures.

AuthorBrenda Elllis
Product CodeAR237
Length64 pages
PublisherARTistic Pursuits
FormatHardcover, Full Colour with DVD/Blu-rays
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Order: AR237