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Art Core 5: Drawing with Water-soluble and Graphite Pencils

Students discover their own creative strengths in the arts using source materials of their choice to create drawings in water-soluble and graphite pencils. This advanced course is perfect for the more experienced art student needing a High School art class or in preparation for a college-level course.

36 lessons with projects, worth 1/2 credit, cover the elements of art and composition:

Nine video lesssons aid students in working independently as they learn drawing techniques and handy tips about being an artist; they then apply those ideas to their own unique works of art.

Twenty- seven text lessons broaden the scope of learning in the following ways:

  • Students LEARN advanced applications of the elements of art while drawing directly from source material.
  • Students SEE the elements in Master artworks through European Art History while learning about the artist and major events within the artist's lifetime.
  • Students INCORPORATE new techniques and processes for drawing into personal works of art while exploring the subjects of still life, landscape, figure, and portraits.

AuthorBrenda Ellis
Product CodeAR236
Length64 pages
PublisherARTistic Pursuits
FormatHardcover, Full Colour with DVD/Blu-rays
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Order: AR236