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Exploring Creation with Mathematics Level 5 Set

Right from the start, Exploring Creation with Mathematics lets students know they are going to study math as a tool to help them understand their unique place in the universe. Every unit begins with a "Seeing Our Creator" devotional that connects the upcoming mathematical concepts to our Creator.

In Level 5, students will learn about whole numbers, fractions, decimals, geometry and measurement, percents, and graphing. This hands-on, interactive math curriculum is filled with activities, practice problems, projects, and games that will help students comprehend lessons. Students will also see the connections between math, science, business, art, our world, and our universe. Most importantly, students will begin to see how the study of math points to our Creator.

Set includes: 

  • All-in-One Student Text and Workbook (spiral-bound) - consumable, each child will need their own copy
  • Teaching Guide & Answer Key - contains the solutions to all questions, suggested daily schedule, teacher’s notes, suggestions for the lessons, and reusable pages you need to complete the course.

In this course, you’ll find:

  • A suggested daily schedule with thoughtful, systematic pacing through concepts - designed to be done 4 days a week for 28 weeks, and each lesson takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
  • Supply lists, teaching tips, answers to the problems, and suggestions for taking activities further

To fully use this course, some common household and math manipulative items will be needed. A complete list of suggested items is included in the Teaching Guide & Answer Key. (See the Teacher Guide Sample for Unit 1 Supply List.)

Product CodeMR1456
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Order: MR1456