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Foundations in Worship

Activate a deeper understanding of worship and love for God with Foundations in Worship, Master Books’ homeschool Bible curriculum for junior high and high school students. This full-color course uses exceptional, traditional hymns to guide your student in a biblical exploration of what worship is and why it matters. Also used as a music appreciation elective, this one-year course has an easy-to-follow schedule allowing students to complete their lessons in 20-40 minutes over five days a week.

Foundations in Worship provides an in-depth discipleship experience through a study of hymns, the hymn writers, and the biblical messages within the songs. 7th – 12th grade students will learn to worship God in word and song using doctrinally sound hymns of faith.

Using Master Books’ celebrated method of education, this workbook-style hymnology course will lead your students to:

  • Recognize and seek the connections between hymns and Scripture
  • Discover how the hymns reflect the hymn writer’s personal faith journey
  • Learn to apply biblical concepts from the hymns to their own faith
  • Develop creative and engaging presentation skills
  • Learn to clearly articulate their thoughts and faith

Use Foundations in Worship to further develop your student’s biblical worldview and help them discern the biblical basis for modern worship songs. As devoted worshippers and students of the Word, your children will be learning to personally fulfill the Ephesians 5:19 instruction to “speak to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.”

AuthorDr. John D. Morris
Product CodeBR455
Length396 pages
PublisherMaster Books
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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Order: BR455

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