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Foundations in Faith

This course offers homeschool families a simplified study of biblical doctrines to help teens and preteens learn the foundational truths that will guide them for the rest of their lives. This Bible elective course focuses on the teachings of Scripture. Your student will learn the primary doctrines; the basics on which all true Christian believe. Secondary doctrines (those that do not impact salvation) are not addressed in this course.

Foundations in Faith offers an overview of systematic theology using the Bible the ultimate authority with creeds, confessions, and catechisms as helpful tools. Many of the creeds and confessions were written by church councils who were seeking to correct errors that had arisen in the church. Catechisms use a question-and-answer format to teach a summary of the principles.

Course Objectives:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the purpose and importance of church doctrine
  • Learn to discern biblical truth from cultural assumptions and popular faith myths
  • Master spiritual disciplines that enable you to go deeper in your faith and understanding
  • Explore important foundational insight into crucial aspects of biblical truths

Course Features:

  • Quick, targeted lessons – 20 to 30 minutes, 5 days a week.
  • Includes worksheets and answer keys; incorporates numerous passages of God’s Word
  • Incorporates four tests – one for each quarter
  • A one-year course designed for grades 7-12
  • The NKJV was used to create the course. If your student prefers a different version, please remember to adjust answers regarding Scriptures to your preferred version

What to Expect:

Each lesson is two pages and includes doctrinal sources, biblical text, and teaching. The student will need a Bible to look up various verses on worksheets and explore other verses suggested throughout the course. Testing occurs after every quarter and tests are found in the back of the book.

Course Requirements:

AuthorIsrael Wayne
Product CodeBR454
Length372 pages
PublisherMaster Books
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
  • Available as :

Order: BR454

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