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Math 1 Subject Kit, 5th Ed

*This edition does not co-ordinate with the online / DVD lessons.*

Empower your young learners with problem-solving skills. Math 1 aims to establish a foundational number sense to use in applying mathematical concepts, skills, and reasoning to solve real-world problems within the context of a biblical worldview. Students will learn to solve addition and subtraction problems, tell time using digital and analog clocks, determine length and weight, and more! Students will also apply biblical worldview themes of exploring, working, and caring to solve real-life problems using mathematics.

How BJU Teaches Math 1:

  • Playful Beginnings - Each lesson starts with playful activities to pique students’ interest and prepare them for the lesson content. Group activities, exciting games, and memorable songs all serve to help students review the material they already know.
  • Careful Instruction - Math 1 empowers teachers to carefully lead students through lesson content. Teachers will deliver content through direct instruction as well as through modeling, demonstrations, and visual analysis. Teachers can also lead class discussion using manipulatives, object lessons, and colorful pictures.
  • Guided Application - Each lesson includes opportunities for students to practice what they’ve learned under teacher guidance before racticing independently. Word problems and collaborative STEM activities will enable students to connect the mathematical principles they are learning with problems people experience on a day-to-day basis.
  • Review & Assessment - Review pages offer students additional practice for the daily lesson as well as a review of previously covered material. These reviews can also be used as an assessment tool to measure how well students are retaining information. The course includes a total of 21 tests for a formal assessment of how well students are mastering each chapter’s content.

This subject kit includes:

* Unless otherwise noted, kits may not have any partial returns or substitutions.

Product Code549667
PublisherBJU Press
  • Available as :

Order: 549667

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