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Winning With Writing - Level 6 Workbooks

*This is the workbooks only.*   If you want the answer key, purchase the Level 6 Set.

This writing program assumes a 36-week school year with one lesson being completed each week. Within each lesson there are five defined days with tasks to be performed each day. This level cover, direct and indirect quotations, divided quotations, dialogue, the writing process, thesis statements, transitional sentences, documenting sources, bibliography, creative writing, personal narrative, descriptive writing, persuasive writing, informational essay, biographical essay, cause and effect essay, and research report, among other things. No dotted guidelines in blanks. Typical blank lines are provided since students at this level should have enough experience and control in writing. Level 6 requires students to write five paragraphs for each writing assignment.

This contains two books, one for each semester. The first semester book contains 201 pages. The second semester book contains 159 pages.

Product CodeWR103
Length360 pages total
FormatSpiral-bound, Black and White
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