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Sculpture Technique - Model

Sculpture Technique, MODEL builds on the concepts taught in Sculpture Technique, CONSTRUCT while standing on its own as a guide for instructing students in modeling methods. This book offers students, upper elementary through high school, the opportunity to discover their own creative strengths in the world of three-dimensions.  It is the first of its kind to bring the processes and concepts of modeling with putty, pottery, and fiber arts into the home environment. Unlike craft books, the assignments in this book focus on processes of working with specific materials while introducing the elements of sculpture in ways students can put into practice immediately. Students work as sculptors, creating original works of art while selecting subject matter that is interesting and relevant to their own lives.

Students model with putty, clay, and wool while creating unique sculptures that represent their own ideas, interests, and skills. Using this book students are sculptors!

AuthorBrenda Ellis
Product CodeAR167
Length83 pages
PublisherARTistic Pursuits
FormatNon-consumable,Spiral-bound, Full Colour
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Order: AR167