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Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The - Study Guide

The Study Guide

We have sold Bible based literature study guides from Progeny Press for a number of years and have been very pleased with them. Progeny Press Study Guides are used in conjunction with age appropriate novels to explore literature from a sound Biblical perspective. These study guides deal with literature as works of art and philosophy, explain and use literary terms, and deal with plot construction. They dig into why the characters act, believe, and feel as they do and examine what the Bible says in similar circumstances. Easy-to-use lessons include vocabulary exercises, comprehension and analysis, critical thinking, questions on related Biblical principles, activities, plus a complete answer key. This is a book-bound format.

The Novel

Everyone agreed that the six Herdman kids were the worst kids in the world. They lied, they stole, they hit little kids, they talked dirty, and everyone smoked cigars (even the girls.) To the other children Sunday School was a safe haven, because the Herdman's never went there. Then one Sunday, when the Herdman's show up looking for chocolate cake, they hear about the Christmas pageant and decide they want to participate. Landing all the main parts, what will happen when kids who have never heard the story of Christmas interpret it for their new church?

For use with the book "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"

This study guide is also available in CD-ROM format.

AuthorAndrew Clausen
Product CodeLS016
Length53 pages
PublisherProgeny Press
FormatSoftcover, Black & White
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Order: LS016