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With Lee in Virginia MP3 CD


A Tale of the American Civil War

Setting:  AD 1860’s – American Civil War – Slavery and state’s rights. 

Few wars have been fought by each side with greater intensity of conviction in the rightness of its cause or with more abundant personal heroism than the War Between the States. The story begins with a great responsibility falling on Vincent Wingfield, the teenage son of a widowed Virginia plantation owner. Vincent must decide what course of action he should take when a problem arises on the plantation. Unlike many stories of this American war, Mr. Henty brings to it a European viewpoint that differs drastically from the current views on the nature and reasons for this struggle. Henty’s "With Lee in Virginia" will introduce the reader to many of the famous battles of the 1860's along with learning much about the character of Robert E. Lee and his lieutenants.

Note: The audio files will play on any computer CD drive, DVD player, laptop computer CD drive, or MP3 compatible CD player.  They can be downloaded to an iPod or other MP3 player.  The audio files on this CD will not play on a standard CD player.

Features: Complete, unabridged recording of a classic G.A. Henty historical novel, read by Jim Hodges

AuthorG.A. Henty
Product CodeAB429
Ages10 & Up
Length11 hours, 20 minutes
PublisherJim Hodges Audio Books
FormatMP3 CD
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Order: AB429

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