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Earlybird Kindergarten Level A Text - Singapore Math - Scratch & Dent


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EarlyBird Kindergarten Mathematics Standards Edition is a comprehensive, activity-based program designed to provide kindergarten students with a strong foundation in mathematics.

Features of the Earlybird Kindergarten Standards Edition Textbooks:

  • Every unit comprises several lessons, each with a focused learning outcome
  • Detailed teaching notes at the bottom of the pages provide guidelines to help teachers develop lessons and concepts systematically
  • The  ConcretePictorial>Abstract approach enables students to encounter math in a meaningful way through concrete activities before progressing to pictorial and abstract representations
  • New mathematical concepts are introduced through a spiral progression that builds on concepts already taught and mastered
  • Structured activities help to consolidate the mathematical concepts taught
  • The pencil icon provides quick and easy reference from the Textbook to the relevant Activity Book pages
  • Review pages at the end of each assess the students' mastery of key learning objectives
  • Math at Home activities in tear-out sheets provide opportunities for meaningful family involvement in the students' learning process.  Detailed, step-by-step instructions for parents are provided in the teaching notes
  • Units covered: match & sort, numbers to 5, numbers to 10, order, shapes, patterns, length and size, weight, capacity, and compare sets.

Product CodeMR493SD
Length234 pages
PublisherSingapore Math
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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