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Elementary Algebra Curriculum Pack with Instruction DVD, Jacobs

Jacobs Elementary Algebra has come to be so highly regarded in the homeschool market. This high school algebra curriculum provides a full year of math in a clearly written format with guidance for teachers as well as for students who are self-directed. The student text is divided into 17 sections, covering functions and graphs, integers, rational numbers, exponents, polynomials, factoring, fractions, and more. Select solutions are provided in the text with full answers available in the Teacher Guide. The course is designed to be completed in one year with lessons spanning 5 days a week for 45 - 60 minutes each.

This bundle includes:

  • Student text includes easy to follow instruction and selected answers in the back.
  • Teacher guide provides a detailed schedule, tests, and test answer keys as well as additional exercises.
  • DVD lessons work in conjunction with the textbook and give additional understanding of algebra concepts.

AuthorHarold R. Jacobs
Product CodeMR823
PublisherMaster Books
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Order: MR823