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VideoText Algebra Modules A-C (Year 1)

This set is the first half of the VideoText Algebra program, and includes all 15 books and 9 DVDs necessary for the course.

Please note that though completing Modules A-C and then D-F will thoroughly cover all aspects of Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, and Algebra II, this half of the course is designed to precede Modules D-F and is not to be used as a stand-alone Algebra I course.

With a primary focus on the “why” behind concepts, VideoText Modules A-C completes students’ first year of VideoText Algebra, covering Pre-Algebra and Algebra I concepts using mastery-review techniques to fully explore the language of mathematics and algebraic relations for 84 lessons!  Each 5-10 minute video lesson is designed to capture and hold students’ attention through the use of computer-generated graphics, animation, and color-sequencing, while engaging them in the complete development and understanding of concepts. After watching the teaching video lesson, students will then complete corresponding print materials designed to solidify mastery for Algebra lessons, including:

  • Course Notes designed as a reference for video objectives
  • Student Worktexts to build conceptual understanding through definitions, examples, and exercises
  • Progress Tests to gauge student mastery with two forms of quizzes and tests for cumulative review
  • Step-by-step Solutions Manuals and Instructors Guides for comprehensive answer checks of every daily exercise, quiz & test question

Lesson plans are also available to help with scheduling if desired.

Check out each individual module package for more information and sample videos:

Product CodeMR1127
PublisherVideoText Interactive
FormatSpiral-bound, Black and White
  • Available as :

Order: MR1127