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VideoText Algebra Module A Package

Algebra: A Complete Course - Module A

The Module A of VideoText Algebra is equivalent to other courses' "Pre-Algebra" in that it starts with the basic structure and language of mathematics. Module A re-teaches, algebraically, all the arithmetic concepts which will be used in a study of Algebra.

VideoText Algebra Module A includes:

  • DVDs – Video Lessons, each 5-10 minutes
  • Student Worktext – offers clear explanation and development of concepts, provides more examples and  plenty of exercises
  • Course Notes – chronologically follows the video lessons and allows for student review of the concepts
  • Solutions Manual – Provides detailed, step-by-step solutions for every problem in the student Worktext
  • Instructor’s Guide – Contains the Program Overview, Scope & Sequence Rationale, and detailed solutions for the Progress Tests
  • Progress Tests – (answer key in the Instructor’s Guide) include two versions of each test to allow for retesting or review, as needed. Tests/Quizzes are provided lesson-by-lesson and unit-by-unit to ensure understanding and mastery of concepts

In this program you will find a complete study of the essential concept material covered in a traditional Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 course. However, the VideoText Algebra program employs a mastery-learning approach, sometimes moving at a slower pace, but without the overlap of traditional algebra programs. As a result, students often complete the course more quickly than in the traditional "spiral" method.

Most curricula emphasize rules, formulas, shortcuts, and tricks utilizing memorization skills. VideoText believes that algebra should be teaching the teenage brain how to develop problem-solving skills and analytical thinking skills. This only occurs if the “why” behind every algebraic concept is explained.

View a sample video lesson here:

This course needs to be started at the beginning since the analytical strategies that are used throughout the program are actually built in the earlier lessons. Even though the lesson itself might contain a procedure that the student already recognizes, the concept may still be unknown to the student. The learning of those concepts is the real reason to study algebra anyway, so that we can develop our students into great thinkers! These earlier lessons are essential in setting the proper foundation, even though older students will probably be able to move through them more quickly than younger students.

The theme of Module A is "Structure of Mathematics" and its Lessons include:

  • Mathematics as a Language
  • More on Numbers
  • More on Operations
  • More on Relations
  • Models

This item is the individual Module A package, but it may be purchased as a part of the complete bundle, including all the Modules A-F.

AuthorTom Clark
Product CodeMR860
Length72 pages
PublisherVideoText Interactive
FormatSpiralbound, Black and White
  • Available as :

Order: MR860