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Hydraulic Gearbots are not all that common, but the fun thing about this one is that it is relatively easy to make, will amaze your friends, and you can toss popcorn around when your parents are not home (if you are a parent don’t read that last sentence). Also, your gearbot will be able to launch marshmallows at friends for fun and profit (OK, maybe not profit). There is information about the different gears at the end, and if you read it our researchers said you could be 42% smarter!
Product Code | SC678 |
Ages | 8+ |
Publisher | Pathfinders Tools and Technology |
The Learning House Inc. is a family owned business providing educational resources to schools, home schools, and parents across Canada. In 1994 Harold and Louise House felt led by the Lord to start a business.
Copyright 2025 The Learning House Inc.