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Geometry Curriculum Pack with Instruction DVD, Jacobs

Jacob’s Geometry has guided nearly one million students through the process of developing both a knowledge and a lasting understanding of Geometry concepts, principles, and application. Considered by many to be the authoritative Geometry text, Jacobs’ math has solidified its reputation of preparing students for academic & career success and is a highly respected standard for teaching high school Geometry.

Harold Jacobs’ clear, engaging, conversational approach guides students through practical, real-world Geometry, allowing them to develop a true understanding of deductive reasoning, lines & angles, congruence, inequalities, quadrilaterals, area, triangles, circles, theorems, polygons, geometric solids, and more!

Dr. Callahan’s Instructional DVD guides your student through Jacobs’ Geometry and makes understanding the concepts a breeze!

AuthorHarold R. Jacobs
Product CodeMR831
PublisherMaster Books
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