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Help for High School (Brave Writer)

Written to teens directly!

Help for High School is a self-directed writing program for teens that both teaches rhetorical thinking in writing, as well as the academic essay formats for high school and college. Teens work independently of their parents, however models of completed assignments and rubrics for feedback are included, as well.

Brave Writer’s Help for High School is the solution to your writing needs for teens. Most high school writing materials are designed to explain academic writing formats. Help for High School goes further. It helps teens learn how to think, argue, and create their own powerful writing style at the same time.

Help for High School is organized into writing modules. Each module gives your student clear descriptions of the writing element or skill targeted in the chapter. There are clear, step-by-step directions for execution of the assignment. The modules are concluded with real student samples (and in some cases, accompanied by instructor feedback to show how pieces can be edited for improvement).

The first half of the course gives students practice with word choices and writing flair. Students are guided to keenly observe ideas and discover how arguments are constructed through analogies, associations, and active, specific language. Think of the first half of the course as strengthening your student’s mental agility and verbal capacity to craft language and ideas in service of argument—the rudiments of rhetoric (the "rhetorical imagination").

The second half of the course develops a student’s essay writing skills. We begin with argument: how arguments are formed, what it takes to see the inherent controversy or conflict in any topic, and then how to marshall those insights into a cogent, thoughtful essay. Help for High School covers both exploratory essays (those which explore a variety of viewpoints related to a topic) and expository argumentative essays where the student takes a position and develops it with adequate support.

AuthorJulie Bogart
Product CodeWR297
Length170+ pages
PublisherBrave Writer
FormatSpiral-bound, Black and White
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