Further Up and Further In – The Learning House
The Learning House

Further Up and Further In



This full-year curriculum is an extensive study of The Chronicles of Narnia, which integrates a wide range of subject studies, including English literature, social studies, geography, Bible and character building, cooking, and art. Supplemental studies in history, math, grammar, and spelling are recommended to fill out the program.

Each of the seven books in the Narnia series is studied in a separate four-week unit. The Appendix section comes complete with recipes, activity directions, recommended reading for background information, poems, a resource listing, and a list of subjects covered, organized under headings for quick reference.

Adventurers who read at a fourth to eighth grade level will benefit the most from this study, but it may be easily adapted for anyone who is not too old to expand his or her horizons. The seven books in The Chronicles of Narnia will need to be purchased separately.

Other materials used several times during the curriculum include the following:

  • Genesis: Finding Our Roots by Ruth Beechick
  • Surprised By Joy by C. S. Lewis
  • Of Other Worlds by C. S. Lewis

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Diane Pendergraft
Product Code
340 pages
Cadron Creek
Softcover, Black and White
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